Sunday, April 17, 2011

Determination, No Matter What, No Excuses

Wow…..those three phrases can mean a lot to a lot of different people. For me, and this specific blog post, it is for me personally.

My sister, her best friend, and I have decided to be a part of the “Warrior Dash” this coming September. “Warrior Dash is a Mud-Crawling, Fire-Leaping, Extreme Run from Hell. This fierce running series is held on the most challenging and rugged terrain across the globe. Warriors conquer extreme obstacles, push their limits, and celebrate with kick-ass music, beer and warrior helmets.”

It is 3.18 “Hellish Miles”

Really?!?!?!?!? So for those that know me, you are thinking “wow, really, you couldn’t possibly do this.” For those that don’t, well, you don’t know any better to say yes or no in regards to whether actually do it or not…..

For all of you, I say “YES I CAN, AND I WILL!!!!!”

There is nothing stronger than:
Determination…..I CAN DO IT!!!!
No Matter What…..EXACTLY!!!!
No Excuses……NONE FOR ME!!!!

I WILL DO THE Warrior Dash in September!!!!

It is going to take a LOT of work…But I KNOW I CAN DO IT!!!!

Wish me the Best of Luck… Although, in reality I won’t need it!!!!


CEO Mom Amber said...

That is a wonderful and worthy goal and you are worthy of it! Go for it sister! I did the same thing 3 yrs ago. I trained for the Nike Human Race. It was one of the best things I ever did for me and a wonderful accomplishment!

Julie E said...

Way to go, Rachel! I know you can do it since you've set your mind to it!

Christi Paul said...

Yay, Rachel!! I'm so proud of you for taking on this challenge, and I can't wait to help you celebrate your success in September! :D

Rachel Sutton said...

Thank you so much to all you ladies!!!! Julie, YES, I know I can!!! Christi, YES, we will be celebrating!!!!! Amber, I so remember that...I might be calling on your soon for some advice!!!!

Thanks again ladies, I am excited, but nervous and just a bit FREAKED out!!!! haha!